We can enjoy Heaven now. We can have half of the enjoyment ahead of time by looking forward to it, thinking about it, reading about it and anticipating it.
David BergIn Heaven, a lot of things will be different, but many things are going to be the same, enough so that we'll still be able to use much of the knowledge, skills, talents and experience that we have gained in this life. God will not allow all the training we have received to be wasted.
David BergIn Heaven, our bodies are going to be the same make, but a new model. Our old, decaying, worn-out natural, physical body will go back to the dust. We will trade it in for an entirely new heavenly model!
David BergHaving children and raising them will bring new purpose and new life to Heaven. It will not be the end of everything, but the beginning!
David BergHeaven is not so terribly different from this present existence to where we can't even comprehend or understand it. Otherwise, when we arrived there, we would be completely lost and we wouldn't be able to relate to it.
David BergI've visited the future and I've seen the Heavenly City standing upon this Earth!-Beautiful, gorgeous, incomparable, almost indescribable, the most gorgeous sight you'll ever want to see! A beautiful pyramid-shaped City like the ancient Egyptian pyramids, only much more beautiful!-That Golden City like crystal gold, pyramid-shaped, 1500 miles wide! Think of it! And 1500 miles high!
David BergAll of the pleasures of this present physical life can be continued into the next life as well!
David BergThank God for Heaven! - That's where everything will get straightened out and made right!
David BergYou can't take it with you! Whatever you have there you will have already sent ahead in the way of souls won, victories won, battles won and rewards won for your service here!
David BergThere is a difference between being willing to go to Heaven and wanting to stay on Earth-and wanting to go to Heaven while being willing to stay on Earth.
David BergOne reason I like to talk about Heaven, think about Heaven and read about Heaven is because, after all, that's where we're going to spend Eternity, so it's a pretty important place and we ought to be pretty interested, don't you think? It's our Eternal Home, the place Jesus has gone to prepare for us forever, so we certainly ought to be interested in it and want to know what it's like and what we're going to be like when we get there!
David BergThere will be no more danger, pollution or destruction, none of these things that we suffer from so much today. Everything will be heavenly, beautiful and natural, the way it was when God first created the earth.
David BergThe Apostle Paul wrote, The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). The physical dies away, but the spiritual is forever.
David BergThere'll be no more big powers and oppressed poor - only fairness and justice for all, and eternal happiness. So if you're looking for the perfect city and the perfect government in the perfect country with perfect people, just wait a little while longer - it's coming
David BergThis World is not our home, so we don't have to worry about whether it's good or bad. The BETTER it is, the HARDER it is to leave it. The BADDER it is, the EASIER it is to leave it!
David BergWe have in effect renounced our Worldly citizenship when we receive the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords, God of Heaven, Son of Righteousness and the Kingdom of Heaven into our hearts, and have made the Heavenly City our Home!
David BergMy idea of Heaven is what we've got right now, right here!-All this beauty and pleasure and fun and inspiration and spirit and fellowship and joy, all of this and more so and more of it!
David BergWe can't really understand just how wonderful Heaven will be unless we first know how wonderful each of us will be when we get there.
David BergHeaven is the perfect place to raise children. Everything will be just the way it was intended to be in the beginning, a perfect environment without pain and danger, accidents and death and the horrors of this world. Babies won't have to cry. - They'll have everything they need. We'll be able to read their little minds, and we won't have to wonder what they're needing. Just think of all the advantages of rearing children in Heaven. It will be pure pleasure!
David BergI just can't imagine a Heaven without children!-What a dead lifeless place without babies and kids!
David BergWe'll have all the best of this and Heaven too, the best of two Worlds!-Heaven now and Heaven to come!
David BergEternity is a constant learning process. It will be another grade, another step, a chance to do what we failed to do before and to learn what we failed to learn before. Thank God for eternity! We've all probably got a lot of bad habits to change and failures to make up for. Maybe God will give each of us a chance to meet people who we've wronged and straighten things out and tell them we're sorry.
David BergGod put many animals here [on Earth] for pets, playthings and companions for us and our children, and we're still going to enjoy them [in Heaven].
David BergIn Heaven we'll understand why we've suffered on Earth. The Apostle Paul explained, For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then, face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known [of God] .
David BergHeaven is here to stay and sex is here to stay! We'll be able to enjoy many of these so-called fleshly pleasures on the other side, like Jesus did!
David BergEven in Heaven, the most perfect City in the World, there are going to be different levels, different classes, different stages, some very high, some very low.
David BergIt will be full of precious stones and jewels, and best of all, full of precious souls!-Immortal souls, saved souls that love Jesus and that you won to the Lord.
David BergThe Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but that doesn't mean you can't have meat and drink in the Kingdom!
David BergFrom the accounts of those who have had glimpses of Heaven in visions and revelations, it seems that we do mature somewhat in Heaven. Those who arrive in their youth grow to maturity, while older people appear more middle-aged, in the prime of life.
David BergIt certainly seems like a good idea to talk about Heaven, meditate about Heaven and read about Heaven, because, after all, that's where we're going to spend eternity.
David BergOnly you and I who love Jesus and have Him now before this life's death will be able to be among the special super-citizens of the Heavenly City, a special super-class of people!
David BergWe live like Heaven already, a little bit of Heaven right here and now! What could we have more?-Only more of the same and better!
David BergYou want to know about a certain period and what happened?-You go into this building and all of a sudden you are transported! You're not just shown pictures, not even 3-D pictures, not even movies, but suddenly you are transported live by a time machine to that very time, that very age and you see it happen, you watch it happen, you hear it happen, you feel it happen! Think of it! Not only the movies but the 'feelies'! You are there!
David BergThere are going to be tears in Heaven, because God is going to have to wipe them away. No doubt many of us will cry when we first arrive there and realize just how much our many mistakes have cost and lost. But God will wipe away all these tears, and comfort and encourage us and inspire us for the future, so we can forget the past. There will be tears, but thank God He will wipe them away with His joy. Then there will be no more tears and no more years, only a happy eternity!
David BergA lot of people think Heaven is sitting around on a cloud playing a harp all day, doing nothing except being holy - and they don't find it very appealing! Thank God that is not what Heaven is like!
David BergYou can travel with the speed of thought! You just think you're on Jupiter and you're there, boom! You just think you're on Saturn and you're there, boom! You just think you're on the nearest star and you're there, boom! You don't have to have transporters, spaceships or speed of light or anything, you're just there like that! So we will have the might and the power of angels and the speed and the ability and we will be ruling and reigning spirits with resurrected bodies, but spiritual bodies which have enormous angelic powers like the angels of God, like Jesus when He was resurrected!
David BergBut there'll be plenty of room on Earth then because right now, what is it?-Only one-fifth of the Earth's surface is land, right? Whereas then there will be no more sea, it'll all be land, seas will be gone. The seas are the World's great septic tanks, its great cesspools, where all the waste of the World drains off into the sea.
David BergIn Heaven, each of us will have a special place to live. Before Jesus left this earth, He told His followers that He would prepare a place for them and all believers in the hereafter. In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:2,3). One of these days, we're going to own a mansion that isn't going to cost us anything - no upkeep, no expenses!
David BergWe're leaving this Hell of a mess before long and we're going to go to our Country and our City to be with our King!
David BergWhen we see what He has for us there, we'll agree with Paul, when he wrote about Heaven, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). - Things we didn't even imagine could be so beautiful and wonderful.
David BergI want to declare my Citizenship in the Kingdom of God and my allegiance to His Kingdom and His City!
David BergIsn't that ridiculous to show Peter standing at the gates of Heaven with a ring of keys? The doors are already unlocked for us, all we've got to do is walk in through the front gate!
David Berg