Every computer divides itself into its hardware and its software, the machine host to its algorithm, the human being to his mind. It is hardly surprising that men and women have done what computers now do long before computers could do anything at all. The dissociation between mind and matter in men and machines is very striking; it suggests that almost any stable and reliable organization of material objects can execute an algorithm and so come to command some form of intelligence.
David BerlinskiThe motion of the mind is conveyed along a cloud of meaning.~ There is this paradox that we get to meaning only when we strip the meaning from symbols.
David BerlinskiI do not know whether any of this is true. I am certain that the scientific community does not know that it is false.
David BerlinskiThe desire to see and the desire to ratify what one has seen are desires at odds with one another, if only because they proceed from separate places in the imagination.
David BerlinskiFor the most part, it is true, ordinary men and women regard mathematics with energetic distaste, counting its concepts as rhapsodic as cauliflower. This is a mistake-there is no other word. Where else can the restless human mind find means to tie the infinite in a finite bow?
David Berlinski