I still am mystified about why Donald Trump is out there tweeting praise of Vladimir Putin, and still kind of denying and dismissing whether the hacking happened or the seriousness of it.
David CornBush and his commanders in the war on terrorism are willing to waste non-terrorists to kill terrorists. Right or wrong, that is not caring about the dignity of every life.
David CornBush and Cheney were not misled by flawed intelligence; they used the flawed intelligence to mislead.
David CornThere`s a guy named Richard Spencer, who is the intellectual guru of the movement, according to Breitbart and he says, basically - this is the benign version - that he wants to convince non-whites to leave America because the races can`t get along and it`s better if they`re separate. This is a guy who is of the alt-right movement that Steve Bannon made common cause with.
David CornI think Donald Trump should be delegitimized for many reasons. And his response to this hacking is also cause for delegitimization. But to say we should move on, when the bedrock of American democracy, the sanctity of our elections, has been messed with, just raises suspicions. His denial of it happening or its seriousness shows that there is something really amiss from his end of it.
David CornDonald Trump says we shouldn`t be involved in these Middle East wars, let them fight it out themselves. And yet here he is talking about literally the most hawkish guy, like Jon Bolton - maybe Frank Gaffney`s a little hawker. And so it makes you wonder what Donald Trump really believes in.
David Corn