If you measure someone's brain and see very little activity during a task, it does not necessarily indicate that they're not trying - it more likely signifies that they have worked hard in the past to burn the programs into the circuitry. Consciousness is called in during the first phase of learning and is excluded from the game playing after it is deep in the system.
David EaglemanYou gleefully say, "I just thought of something!", when in fact your brain performed an enormous amount of work before your moment of genius struck. When an idea is served up from behind the scenes, your neural circuitry has been working on it for hours or days or years, consolidating information and trying out new combinations. But you take credit without further wonderment at the vast, hidden machinery behind the scenes.
David EaglemanThink about the brain as the densest concentration of youness. It's the peak of the mountain, but not the whole mountain.
David EaglemanBrains are like representative democracies. They are built of multiple, overlapping experts who weigh in and compete over different choices.
David Eagleman