You gleefully say, "I just thought of something!", when in fact your brain performed an enormous amount of work before your moment of genius struck. When an idea is served up from behind the scenes, your neural circuitry has been working on it for hours or days or years, consolidating information and trying out new combinations. But you take credit without further wonderment at the vast, hidden machinery behind the scenes.
David EaglemanSince we live in the heads of those who remember us, we lose control of our lives and become who they want us to be.
David EaglemanKnowing yourself now requires the understanding that the conscious you occupies only a small room in the mansion of the brain, and that it has little control over the reality constructed for you.
David EaglemanI spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around.
David EaglemanEven though the outside world has not changed, your brain dynamically presents different interpretations.
David EaglemanYou are part of a complex social network that changes your biology with every interaction, and which your actions can change.
David EaglemanThis is the hallmark of a robust biological system: political parties can perish in a tragic accident and the society will still run, sometimes with little more than a hiccup to the system. It may be that for every strange clinical case in which brain damage leads to a bizarre change in behavior or perception, there are hundreds of cases in which parts of the brain are damaged with no detectable clinical sign.
David Eagleman