At that time in my career, everything ended up moving so fast, honestly. Within the first five years of my career, I think I did two TV series and four big movies, and I've never been that hot again in my career.
David KrumholtzIn this case, I don't know why they [Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg] thought I would be a good lavash wrap or I would do a good Middle Eastern accent. They just assumed I would. They called one day, and they're like, "They're doing this read-through for Sausage Party, and you're going to play a lavash wrap in it." After I looked up what a lavash wrap was, I was like, "Oh, cool."
David KrumholtzSeth [Rogen] and Evan [Goldberg] finally convinced a company to finance the film [ Sausage Party] and Sony to distribute it.
David KrumholtzIt had been awhile since anyone had made a movie like that [ Sausage Party], and it took them a long time to get anyone to agree to do it, because they were unwavering on the tone of the movie being so ridiculously filthy. Seth [Rogen] and Evan [Goldberg], for as successful as they are, this was their passion project that they couldn't get off the ground.
David KrumholtzWe smoked a lot of weed together [with Seth Rogen and Jason Segel]. Lonely potheads will literally spend every day with each other until they get a girlfriend. That's essentially what happened.
David KrumholtzI did a pilot for Judd Apatow when I was 20 years old, so 18 years ago. The same year that he did that pilot, he made another pilot called Freaks And Geeks.Judd felt bad for me because I was living in L.A. by myself. Not only did he put me in an episode of Freaks And Geeks, but he was like, "Hey, just come hang out. I'm on set, getting to know everybody." I started hanging with everybody, and they were all either my age or a little younger. Seth and I just got along really well - Jason Segel and I, too - and before you know it, it was a really strong, solid group of friends.
David Krumholtz