Getting what you want is just as difficult as not getting what you want. Because then you have to figure out what to do with it instead of figuring out what to do without it.
David LevithanI am a drifter, and as lonely as that can be, it is also remarkably freeing. I will never define myself in terms of anyone else.
David Levithanisaac knows how stupid i find these things, and he finds them just as stupid as i do. like lol. now, if there's anything stupider than buddy lists, it's lol. if anyone ever uses lol with me, i rip my computer right out of the wall and smash it over the nearest head. i mean, it's not like anyone's laughing out loud about the things they lol. i think it should be spelled loll, like what a lobotomized person's tongue does. loll. loll. i can't think any more. loll. loll!
David LevithanThere is no word for our kind of friendship. Two people who don't see each other a lot, but can make each other effortlessly happy
David Levithan