Here's one of the great things, and I may have said this somewhere, so forgive me. Curb ideas are not Veep ideas. I definitely have my Curb idea list that I've been carrying around for the last five years.
David MandelI'm certainly never going to say that someone is prettier than Julia Louis-Dreyfus, but someone who would make her crazy for being young and good-looking.
David MandelAll of a sudden, making a Spanish-American War joke. I think you sort of had to go to probably to an American high school to have remembered that.
David MandelIf that had been my last show last night, you'd be talking to the new guy, asking the same questions that I got.
David MandelWhat I loved about it was language-wise it wasn't that finely-tuned-perfect-insult-for-the-perfect-situation that sometimes we try and do on Veep.
David MandelI think it's a fun thing, and perhaps maybe very so slightly as an American, it's a slightly different thing that they didn't do as much of when the show was 100 percent written by Brits just because I'm not sure they were quite as familiar with some of these little moments in our government system.
David Mandel