The seeds of a happy marriage are sown in youth. Happiness does not begin at the altar; it begins during the period of youth and courtship.
David O. McKayCharacter is the aim of true education; and science, history, and literature are but means used to accomplish this desired end.
David O. McKayHappiness consists not of having, but of being. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.
David O. McKayAn unsatisfied appetite for knowledge means progress and is the state of a normal mind.
David O. McKayFriendship is a sacred possession. As air, water and sunshine to flowers, trees and verdure, so smiles, sympathy and love of friends to the daily life of man. To live, laugh, love one's friends, and be loved by them is to bask in the sunshine of life.
David O. McKayThe character of a child is formed largely during the first twelve years of his life. He spends 16 times as many waking hours in the home as in the school, and 126 times as many hours in the home as in the church. Each child is, to a great degree, what he is because of the ever-constant influence of home environment and the careful or neglectful training of parents. Home is the best place for the child to learn self-control, to learn that he must submerge himself for the good of another. It is the best place in which to develop obedience, which nature and society will later demand.
David O. McKay