We live in a church culture that has a dangerous tendency to disconnect the grace of God from the glory of God. Our hearts resonate with the idea of enjoying God's grace. We bask in sermons, conferences, and books that exalt a grace centering on us. And while the wonder of grace is worthy of our attention, if that grace is disconnected from its purpose, the sad result is a self-centered Christianity that bypasses the heart of God.
David PlattSo the challenge for us is to live in such a way that we are radically dependent on and desperate for the power that only God can provide.
David PlattSalvation has absolutely nothing to do with human merit and absolutely everything to do with divine mercy.
David PlattGood intentions, regular worship, Bible study, do not prevent blindness. Part of our sinful nature instinctively chooses to see what we want to see and to ignore what we want to ignore.
David Platt