The Christians think I am making a mistake by not trying the New Testament and meeting Jesus. The Jews tend to think I am making a mistake by reading without support from educated people. After all, there is 2,000 years of scholarship about the book, they say, so it's perverse of me to ignore it.
David PlotzPeople who tend to invest are either going to invest in something where you're raising $5 million or they're going to invest in something where you're raising $1 million, but if you're trying to raise $2.5 million it's kind of a weird amount.
David PlotzWhen you have spent too much time with something, you may lose sight of what's marvelous about it.
David PlotzChanging the way we talk is not political correctness run amok. It reflects an admirable willingness to acknowledge others who once were barely visible to the dominant culture, and to recognize that something that may seem innocent to you may be painful to others.
David PlotzOne problem with how we think about the Bible is that people tend to jam it into narrower categories, when in fact it is many things all at once.
David Plotz