President Obama is closing the prescription drug doughnut hole. He strengthened Medicare! He extended the life of the program by eight years. And what Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan wonโt admit is that their plan would require current seniors to pay, on average, $600 more each year for prescription drugs.
Debbie Wasserman SchultzBreast cancer is not just a disease that strikes at women. It strikes at the very heart of who we are as women: how others perceive us, how we perceive ourselves, how we live, work and raise our families-or whether we do these things at all.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz...their callous indifference to the plight of children streaming across the border, fleeing horrific circumstances in their own country. Republicans are simply strangled by extremism. There is no more establishment, or middle or moderate wing. You've got the Steve King wing of the Republican Party today, who raised the specter of impeachment this weekend.
Debbie Wasserman SchultzWe do not need to end Medicare. We don't need to throw people who are younger than 55 years old to the wolves which is what we do.
Debbie Wasserman SchultzReally it's hard to know where the Republican Party ends and the Tea Party begins.
Debbie Wasserman SchultzDiversity on the bench is critical. As practitioners, you need judges who 'get it!' We need judges who understand what discrimination feels like. We need judges who understand what inequality feels like. We need judges who understand the subtleties of unfair treatment and who are willing to call it out when they see it!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz