There's always got to be room for what you might call benign corruption. Nobody blames a man who steals food to feed his starving children, but on the other hand, somebody who picks up a badge and takes an oath to serve and protect; we do expect a certain level of essential honesty.
Denzel WashingtonEven though the story [Fences] is set during the 1950s, some contemporary women might have trouble understanding her decision.
Denzel WashingtonMy mother used to tell me man gives the award, God gives the reward. I don't need another plaque.
Denzel WashingtonTaking the money from drug operations and all that sort of stuff is something that goes past what most of us in society would expect a policeman should do. That temptation hits the police force at the same time as the temptation to take those drugs that are readily available hits the people on the streets.
Denzel Washington