I continue to say that I wish we had another word other than magic. It no longer means what we are doing or we are attempting to do. We have to find another terminology. Magic is first and foremost a way of belief.
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiI think that there is something in the human psyche, that when it approaches a big mark up point it tends to get doom laden.
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiI don't believe in hours and hours of meditation. The mind gets tired and starts to fold in on itself.
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiI don't regard that as a Guardian Angle. I really do think, in a sense, that we are our own Guardian Angles. But we don't listen to ourselves.
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiOne of the things people don't know about exorcism, is that you can't really use exorcism on things that are older than Christianity.
Dolores Ashcroft-NowickiScience, pure science, is leading us in a sense astray. Leading us astray with the idea that everybody has got to have everything that they want even if it means polluting the entire environment. It is a case of lets just keep one or two canisters of the smallpox virus because we'll never know when we might need it. Science is becoming very much a Dark Power, in many ways.
Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki