Holding back technology to reserve business models is like allowing blacksmiths to veto the internal combustion engine in order to protect their horseshoes.
Don TapscottIndustrial capitalism brought representative democracy, but with a weak public mandate and inert citizenry. The digital age offers a new democracy based on public deliberation and active citizenship.
Don TapscottThe blanket assertion that corporations are people obfuscates the complex issues at play in the changing business world. Corporation are institutions. People are people.
Don TapscottThese kids [of the current generation] have no fear of technology ... sort of like I have no fear of a refrigerator.
Don TapscottIn one sense, the Internet is like the discovery of the printing press, only it's very different. The printing press gave us access to recorded knowledge. The Internet gives us access, not just to knowledge, but to the intelligence contained in people's crania, access to the intelligence of people on a global basis.
Don Tapscott