We never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country.
Donald RumsfeldDon't accept the post or stay unless you have an understanding with the President that you're free to tell him what you think "with the bark off" and you have the courage to do it.
Donald RumsfeldOur goal is to defend the American people, and to eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and to liberate the Iraqi people.
Donald RumsfeldThe United States, as all you know, did not come to Iraq for oil, not to occupy. We came here only to help.
Donald RumsfeldWe [the USA] do have a big nation's problem. We have the problem of a nation that's got two oceans, oceans on either side. People come from all across the globe and want to live here and they want to work here and they want to invest here. And that's a good thing. And they make up this country. But as a people, we [americans] are not highly skilled in languages. We're not highly skilled in knowledge of other cultures. And that's a problem.
Donald Rumsfeld