My old friend, water, my good companion, my beloved mother and father: I am its most natural offspring.
Doris GrumbachTalk uses up ideas. Once I have spoken them aloud, they are lost to me, dissipated into the noisy air like smoke. Only if I bury them, like bulbs, in the rich soil of silence do they grow.
Doris GrumbachWriters are entirely egocentric. To them, few things in their lives have meaning or importance unless they give promise of serving some creative purpose.
Doris GrumbachHaving a book is somewhat like having a baby, as many woman writers have observed before me: the conception, the long preparation, the wait, the growing heaviness (not of body in this case but of the spirit and the manuscript) toward the end, the initial delight at the sight of the product, fully formed and seemingly perfect, and then the usual postpartum depression. What will people whose opinion I care about, and those whose views I don't value but have weight in the world of reader, think of it?
Doris Grumbach