Sir,' I said to the universe, 'I exist.' 'That,' said the universe, 'creates no sense of obligation in me whatsoever.
Douglas AdamsThere are two things you should remember when dealing with parallel universes. One, they're not really parallel, and two, they're not really universes
Douglas AdamsNothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.
Douglas AdamsOne of the problems, and it's one which is obviously going to get worse, is that all the people at the party are either the children or the grandchildren or the great-grandchildren of the people who wouldn't leave in the first place, and because of all the business about selective breeding and regressive genes and so on, it means that all the people now at the party are either absolutely fanatical partygoers, or gibbering idiots, or, more and more frequently, both.
Douglas Adams