I am reminded that no matter how hard you try, you can never be more than twelve years old with your parents. Parents earnestly try not to inflame, but their comments contain no scale and a strange focus. Discussing your private life with parents is like misguidedly looking at a zit in a car's rearview mirror and being convinced, in the absence of contrast or context, that you have developed combined heat rash and skin cancer.
Douglas CouplandOnce you establish a look, and once everybody recognizes that look as your look, you never have to think about fashion again.
Douglas CouplandA good piece of technology dreams of the day when it will be replaced by a newer piece of technology. This is one definition of progress.
Douglas CouplandOur conversations are never easy, but as I-we-get older, we are finding that our conversations must bespoken. A need burns inside us to share with others what we are feeling Beyond a certain age, sincerity ceases to feel pornographic. It is as though the coolness that marked out youth is itself a type of retrovirus that can only leave you feeling empty. Full of holes.
Douglas Coupland