The mother, the father and the child have to come into a sacred relationship. The mother must see the father and the child as a holy and sacred person. The father must see the mother and the child as a holy and sacred person. And then the child can see the mother and the father as God, which is the way it should be, as a sacred being.
Drunvalo MelchizedekThe elite government does have devices that can create earthquakes anywhere in the world that they want. I was just in Russia and I talked to their scientists. They are able to take a field of crops of some unusual shape, and make it rain or snow only on that crop and nowhere else around it. That's how much they can control the weather.
Drunvalo MelchizedekIf we have made a specific transition, what it means is that anything is possible right now.
Drunvalo MelchizedekPeople just need to trust in themselves, believe in God and in Mother Earth and let God and Mother Earth work through them, let them direct their lives, not to actually control them, but direct their lives.
Drunvalo MelchizedekAs long as the mind and ego control the direction of creating, there will always be problems in the outer world, for the ego thinks only of itself and lives in duality. But when the heart is in control, everything comes back to balance, for the heart feels and knows only the oneness of life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek