The mother, the father and the child have to come into a sacred relationship. The mother must see the father and the child as a holy and sacred person. The father must see the mother and the child as a holy and sacred person. And then the child can see the mother and the father as God, which is the way it should be, as a sacred being.
Drunvalo MelchizedekMother Earth is the spirit of the Earth. Amaterasu is the spirit of the Sun, that is, the feminine aspect of the spirit of the Sun. The Sun is a male, but everything is polarized, everything has a male and a female part. And she is the feminine part of light. Relative to the Earth it is more of a male energy, but she is the energy that comes and moves through Mother Earth, to bring consciousness and life.
Drunvalo MelchizedekThere are certain places in the Bible Code that must be changed in order for us to survive, not just to survive but to survive in a good way, so that we go back on track with the cosmic DNA.
Drunvalo MelchizedekI simply don't become attached to the outer world or to anything. I work for God. I do the very best I can, and then I give the results to Him.
Drunvalo Melchizedek