I used to get pissed every day. I would wake up and pick up my phone and look at the alerts, and it's like, "What am I gonna read today?" But then I realized I needed to try and be as grateful as I could possibly be. What we're in need of is a greater leadership that's inclusive and truly hears the people and doesn't have a knee-jerk reaction out of anger. Scenarios like this, while divisive, also clarify what we really want in the future. And we'll have a chance in a few years to cast another vote, and we'll see where the American people are when that time comes.
Dwayne JohnsonWhen I was a kid, I was a combination of Elvis, Richard Pryor, and Harrison Ford from Indiana Jones. I didn't know the value of being able to make someone happy. What kid really understands that? It wasn't until I got into professional wrestling that I felt like, "Oh, it's not only incredibly gratifying to achieve something but also to make people happy".
Dwayne JohnsonThe challenges that I face today are the same challenges we all face. Trying to balance your life between work, family, loved ones, your husband, your wife - boyfriend or girlfriend. If you have kids - balancing that, balancing your work with the time you spend with your kids. The idea of wanting to be a good parent and then the motivation to be a great parent. Whether you're black, white, any color. Rich, poor, regardless of religion, cousins of culture, we go through those. We have the same challenges.
Dwayne JohnsonOne hard day of work proves you have heart. But day after day is what proves you have maturity and commitment.
Dwayne Johnson