You can always tell when a man is a great ways from God--he is always talking about himself, how good he is. But the moment he sees God by the eye of faith, he is down on his knees, and, like Job, he cries, "Behold I am vile.
Dwight L. MoodyDavid was the last one we would have chosen to fight the giant, but he was chosen of God.
Dwight L. MoodyI believe Satan exists for two reasons: first, the Bible says so, and second, I've done business with him.
Dwight L. MoodyIf we do not commend the Gospel to people by our holy walk and conversation, we shall not win them to Christ. Some little act of kindness will perhaps do more to influence them than any number of long sermons.
Dwight L. MoodyLust is the devil's counterfeit for love. There is nothing more beautiful on earth than a pure love and there is nothing so blighting as lust.
Dwight L. MoodySome menโs prayers need to be cut short at both ends and set on fire in the middle.
Dwight L. MoodySome people come to me and say, "Mr. Moody, don't you feel a great responsibility when you come before an audience like this - don't you feel a great weight upon your shoulders?" "Well." I say, "no; I cannot convert men; I can only proclaim the Gospel.
Dwight L. MoodyIf a man just stops to think what he has to praise God for, he will find there is enough to keep him singing praises for a week.
Dwight L. MoodyThere is the joy of one's own salvation. I thought, when I first tasted that, it was the most delicious joy I had ever known, and that I could never get beyond it. But I found, afterward, there was something more joyful that, namely, the joy of the salvation of others.
Dwight L. MoodyThe world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him. By God's help, I aim to be that man.
Dwight L. MoodyThere is no use in running before you are sent; there is no use in attempting to do God's work without God's power. A man working without this unction, a man working without this anointing, a man working without the Holy Ghost upon him, is losing time after all.
Dwight L. MoodyI believe this is a mistake a great many of us are making; we are trying to do God's work with the grace God gave us ten years ago. We say, if it is necessary, we will go on with the same grace. Now, what we want is a fresh supply, a fresh anointing and fresh power, and if we seek it, and seek it with all our hearts, we will obtain it.
Dwight L. MoodyJesus came from heaven down to earth. He left all grandeur behind Him, He passed by palaces and thrones-to be born in a manger! He was born lowly, that He might raise men up to God. The poor have a friend in Jesus. If no one else loves them, He loves them. He came to give them liberty, to proclaim to them the gospel of God's grace.
Dwight L. MoodyWhen we find a man meditating on the words of God, my friends, that man is full of boldness and is successful.
Dwight L. MoodyGod has nothing to say to the self-righteous. Unless you humble yourself before Him in the dust, and confess before Him your iniquities and sins, the gate of heaven, which is open only for sinners, saved by grace, must be shut against you forever.
Dwight L. MoodyA worker must win the hearts and affections of the people before he can do any effective work.
Dwight L. MoodyIf you pray for bread and bring no basket to carry it, you prove the doubting spirit, which may be the only hindrance to the boon you ask.
Dwight L. MoodyThis lost world will never be reached and brought back to loyalty to God, until the children of God wake up to the fact that they have a mission in the world. If we are true Christians we should all be missionaries.
Dwight L. MoodyWhen a man is not deeply convicted of sin, it is a pretty sure sign that he has not truly repented. Experience has taught me that men who have very slight conviction of sin sooner or later lapse back into their old life.
Dwight L. MoodyIf you do not feel a fervent love and profound pity for humanity, be assured that the gift of Christian eloquence has been denied you. You will not win souls, neither will you acquire that most excellent of earthly sovereignties - sovereignty over human hearts....Love is irresistible.
Dwight L. MoodyWhen I was a young man I heard Henry Barley say that the world has yet to see what God can do for a man fully yielded to Him, and I said I wanted to be that man. But I can say today the world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully yielded to Him.
Dwight L. MoodyThe fact is, we are leaky vessels, and we have to keep right under the fountain all the time to keep full of Christ, and so have fresh supply.
Dwight L. MoodyThe law stops every man's mouth. God will have a man humble himself down on his face before Him, with not a word to say for himself. Then God will speak to him, when he owns that he is a sinner, and gets rid of all his own righteousness.
Dwight L. MoodyIn Proverbs we read: 'He that winneth souls is wise.' If any man, women, or child by a godly life and example can win one soul to God, his life will not have been a failure. He will have outshone all the mighty men of his day, because he will have set a stream in motion that will flow on and on forever and ever.
Dwight L. MoodyMany a professing Christian is a stumbling-block because his worship is divided. On Sunday he worships God; on weekdays God has little or no place in his thoughts.
Dwight L. MoodyNo matter how low down you are; no matter what your disposition has been; you may be low in your thoughts, words, and actions; you may be selfish; your heart may be overflowing with corruption and wickedness; yet Jesus will have compassion upon you. He will speak comforting words to you; not treat you coldly or spurn you, as perhaps those of earth would, but will speak tender words, and words of love and affection and kindness. Just come at once. He is a faithful friend - a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Dwight L. MoodyMy friends, if we are going to do a great work for God, we must spend much time in prayer; we have got to be closeted with God.
Dwight L. MoodySome people think God does not like to be troubled with our constant coming and asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all.
Dwight L. MoodyThere is no greater honour than to be the instrument in God's hands of leading one person out of the kingdom of Satan into the glorious light of Heaven.
Dwight L. MoodyWhat makes the Dead Sea dead? Because it is all the time receiving, never giving out anything. Why is it that many Christians are cold? Because they are all the time receiving, never giving out anything.
Dwight L. Moody