Art is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone will have their own interpretation.
E. A. BucchianeriLiberace was certainly master and commander of the ivories ~ he is the only pianist I can watch or listen to without suffering a case of 'Stagefright Sympathy Sickness'.
E. A. BucchianeriEvil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.
E. A. Bucchianeri... The Book is more important than your plans for it. You have to go with what works for The Book - if your ideas appear hollow or forced when they are put on paper, chop them, erase them, pulverise them and start again. Don't whine when things are not going your way, because they are going the right way for The Book, which is more important. The show must go on, and so must The Book.
E. A. Bucchianeri