You'll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you.
E. A. BucchianeriEditors can be stupid at times. They just ignore that author's intention. I always try to read unabridged editions, so much is lost with cut versions of classic literature, even movies don't make sense when they are edited too much. I love the longueurs of a book even if they seem pointless because you can get a peek into the author's mind, a glimpse of their creative soul. I mean, how would people like it if editors came along and said to an artist, 'Whoops, you left just a tad too much space around that lily pad there, lets crop that a bit, shall we?'. Monet would be ripping his hair out.
E. A. BucchianeriThe devil has not vanished simply because people refuse to believe he exists, no more than God has.
E. A. Bucchianeri