I also know that I have represented for us a certain kind of journalist and for me over the years when an older Black person comes and tells me how proud they are of me and the way I represent us on television, or when a younger person says to me, 'Hey Mr. Gordon, I watched you growing up and my parents made me watch you,'.
Ed GordonI heard someone the other day who said 'How can Colin Kaepernick lead this because he's mixed and he was raised by adoptive White parents. I wonder if those people feel the same way about President [Barack] Obama.
Ed GordonOne of the things that EBONY [magazine] has done for years, decades is perspective. They knew what our audience was, they know who we are, so that's what I hope to do with this show.
Ed GordonWe're looking at a story we want to call "Am I Black enough for you?" That's that whole question of who determines what "Black enough" is. Is it color? And if it's color, then are you telling me that Clarence Thomas is Blacker than Louis Farrakhan? If it's not color then what's the line that determines whether you are?
Ed Gordon