Everyone has the right to doubt everything as often as he pleases and the duty to do it at least once. No way of looking at things is too sacred to be reconsidered. No way of doing things is beyond improvement.
Edward de BonoOnce a new idea springs into existence, it cannot be unthought. There is a sense of immortality in a new idea.
Edward de BonoIntelligence is something we are born with. Thinking is a skill that must be learned.
Edward de BonoOne can think of a secretary actively operating a filing system, of a librarian actively cataloguing books, of a computer actively sorting out information. The mind however does not actively sort out information. The information sorts itself out and organises itself into patterns. The mind is passive. The mind only provides an opportunity for the information to behave in this way. The mind provides a special environment in which information can become self-organising. This special environment is a memory surface with special characteristics.
Edward de Bono