Many people have believed that they were Chosen, but none more baldly than the Texans.
Edward HoaglandSophistication" is another word for that inventive mix of tolerance, resilience, and resourcefulness city people develop.
Edward HoaglandPoetry is engendered in solitude, so what better meter for it than the clip of a buckskin horse?
Edward HoaglandCity people try to buy time as a rule, when they can, whereas country people are prepared to kill time, although both try to cherish in their mind's eye the notion of a better life ahead.
Edward HoaglandWe New Yorkers see more death and violence than most soldiers do, grow a thick chitin on our backs, grimace like a rat and learn to do a disappearing act. Long ago we outgrew the need to be blowhards about our masculinity; we leave that to the Alaskans and Texans, who have more time for it.
Edward HoaglandSuicidal thinking, if serious, can be a kind of death scare, comparable to suffering a heart attack or undergoing a cancer operation. One survives such a phase both warier and chastened. When-ten years ago-I emerged from a bad dip into suicidal speculation, I felt utterly exhausted and yet quite fearless of ordinary dangers, vastly afraid of myself but much less scared of extraneous eventualities.
Edward Hoagland