We have not the innocence of Eden; but by God's help and Christ's example we may have the victory of Gethsemane.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinOur life is what we make it. An insignificant game or a noble trial; a dream or a reality; a play of the senses worn out in selfish use, and flying "swifter than a weaver's shuttle," or an ascension of the soul, by daily duties and unfaltering faith, to more spiritual relations and to loftier toils.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinSetting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinNot in achievement, but in endurance, of the human soul, does it show its divine grandeur and its alliance with the infinite.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinWhen I contrast the loving Jesus, comprehending all things in his ample and tender charity, with those who profess to bear his name, marking their zeal by what they do not love, it seems to me as though men, like the witches of old, had read the Bible backward, and had taken incantations out of it for evil, rather than inspiration for good.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin