The man who craves disciples and wants followers is always more or less of a charlatan. The man of genuine worth and insight wants to be himself; and he wants others to be themselves, also.
Elbert HubbardThe wise way to benefit humanity is to attend to your own affairs, and thus give other people an opportunity to look after theirs.
Elbert HubbardA retentive memory may be a good thing, but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness.
Elbert HubbardThe great man is not so great as folks think, and the dull man is not quite so stupid as he seems. The difference in our estimates of men lies in the fact that one individual is able to get his goods into the show-window, and the other is not aware that he has any show-window or any goods.
Elbert HubbardThe line between failure and success is so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. How many a person has thrown up his or her hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience, would have achieved success. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.
Elbert Hubbard