As far as the people that have inspired me, they're the people that I have played with the most. For example, the record that I made called Virtue, there was a wonderful band and a wonderful drummer by the name of Ludwig Afonso and a wonderful bass player by the name of Armando Gola.
Eldar DjangirovWhen I was four, I started taking lessons from my mom. That's pretty much how I started.
Eldar DjangirovI started playing classical music, and I still do. I think music ultimately is kind of on a theoretical level, is about collecting and learning as much vocabulary as possible. It's kind of like writing. It's kind of like writing because the more you read, the more you hear people describe things. The more you soak in, as far as vocabulary, the more access you have in order to express yourself accurately and vividly.
Eldar DjangirovThe main thing about the word jazz, is that it's very limiting to what people are doing.
Eldar Djangirov