Even if a tamed wolf makes a good sheepdog, he will never understand how the sheep feel....You are most fortunate. For having been, as you thought, a coward, and helpless to fight - you know what that is like. You know what bitterness that feeling breeds - you know in your own heart what kind of evil it brings. And so you are most fit to fight it where it occurs.
Elizabeth MoonI love biomedical science, I love astronomy, and you can't really do much with those in a fantasy setting.
Elizabeth MoonI had, of course, no model for that sort of woman being married, but I can make that up as I go along.
Elizabeth MoonIt may be far in the future, but there's some kind of logical way to get from where we are to where the science fiction is.
Elizabeth MoonNo, but a cello is the perfect string bass for an accordion. Works with it beautifully.
Elizabeth MoonA tree is alive, and thus it is always more than you can see. Roots to leaves, yes-those you can, in part, see. But it is more-it is the lichens and moss and ferns that grow on its bark, the life too small to see that lives among its roots, a community we know of, but do not think on. It is every fly and bee and beetle that uses it for shelter or food, every bird that nests in its branches. Every one an individual, and yet every one part of the tree, and the tree part of every one.
Elizabeth Moon