A strong film director does leave you to your devices. A strong director allows you to be free and you trust that he's there and he will tell you if you've gone too far. A strong director allows you to be much more experimental and take greater chances than a director who isn't secure within himself.
Elizabeth TaylorYou can always avert throwing yourself in front of an oncoming train. There is something that just pulls you away - and it has pulled me away, because I'm not dead yet - just at the brink of impact. Sometimes I have been really grazed by that train.
Elizabeth TaylorThere's still so much more to do. I can't sit back and be complacent, and none of us should be. I get around now in a wheelchair, but I get around.
Elizabeth TaylorI've always sung in the shower. Now I make the stage a mental shower in order not to get too uptight and enjoy it.
Elizabeth Taylor