Let us clear a little space, And make Love a burial-place. He is dead, dear, as you see, And he wearies you and me.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxThe birds laugh loud and long together When Fashion's followers speed away At the first cool breath of autumn weather. Why, this is the time, cry the birds, to stay! When the deep calm sea and the deep sky over Both look their passion through sun-kissed space, As a blue-eyed maid and her blue-eyed lover Might each gaze into the other's face.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxI was as pure as the morning When I first looked on your face; I knew I never could reach you In your high, exalted place.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxEven so We find the sea of sorrow. Black as night The sullen surface meets our frightened gaze, As down we sink to darkness and despair.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox