Beauty is a complex theme, for sure. We all have a different concept and opinion regarding it, but we all like to look at things that are aesthetically pleasing. I had the typical high school experience, where you question what is beauty, and you're comparing yourself to others, it was just part of growing up.
Elle FanningI go to ballet five days a week. I would love to go to a fashion show one day, because I never have.
Elle FanningI always try to do something very different with each character because that's why I like to do this, because I can become someone else completely and it's fun.
Elle FanningEveryone in my grade is turning 13, so there are bunches of bar and bat mitzvahs. They're very dressy. It's fun picking out outfits. One girl, for her bat mitzvah, wore a huge red ball gown!
Elle Fanning