...sentences swallowed and sung back and swallowed all over again. She was made entirely out of words.
Emma DonoghueYou cannot predict literary success; the only way you can possibly aim for it is to do your thing and do it well.
Emma DonoghueIn the publishing world, most editors are probably women. So I don't see the publishing world as a male-dominated one, especially within fiction.
Emma DonoghueSo much as I enjoy big novels of epic sweep, I often find, say, if they follow several generations, by the third generation, I'm not caring about the people anymore.
Emma DonoghueSomething we do know is that review coverage does go to male authors more than women authors. That's a fact. I think it's one of those examples of unconscious bias: If you hire a lot of male journalists, they're more likely to pick up the latest Ian McEwan novel than the latest A.S. Byatt novel.
Emma Donoghue