The soldier's business is to take life. For that he is paid by the State, eulogized by political charlatans and upheld by public hysteria. But woman's function is to give life, yet neither the State nor politicians nor public opinion have ever made the slightest provision in return for the life woman has given.
Emma GoldmanThe State is a term for the legislative and administrative machinery whereby certain business of the people is transacted, and badly so.
Emma GoldmanIn modern capitalism economic exploitation rather than political oppression is the real enemy of the people.
Emma GoldmanThe import is not the kind of work woman does, but rather the quality of the work she furnishes.
Emma GoldmanEmancipation should make it possible for woman to be human in the truest sense. Everything within her that craves assertion and activity should reach its fullest expression; all artificial barriers should be broken, and the road towards greater freedom cleared of every trace of centuries of submission and slavery.
Emma Goldman