Be free from grief not through insensibility like the irrational animals, nor through want of thought like the foolish, but like a man of virtue by having reason as the consolation of grief.
EpictetusTo know that you do not know and to be willing to admit that you do not know without sheepishly apologizing is real strength and sets the stage for learning and progress in any endeavor.
EpictetusAny person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.
EpictetusWe all carry the seeds of greatness within us, but we need an image as a point of focus in order that they may sprout.
EpictetusAs in walking it is your great care not to run your foot upon a nail, or to tread awry, and strain your leg; so let it be in all the affairs of human life, not to hurt your mind or offend your judgment. And this rule, if observed carefully in all your deportment, will be a mighty security to you in your undertakings.