Any one thing in the creation is sufficient to demonstrate a Providence to a humble and grateful mind.
EpictetusNever depend on the admiration of others for self-satisfaction. It is a fact of life that other people, even people who love you, will not necessarily agree with your ideas, understand you always, or share your enthusiasms.
EpictetusDo nothing in a depressed mood, nor as one afflicted, nor as thinking that you are in misery, for no one compels you to that.
EpictetusIn trying to please other people, we find ourselves misdirected toward what lies outside our sphere of influence. In doing so, we lose our hold on our lifes purpose.
EpictetusRemember that you are an actor in a play, and that the Playwright chooses the manner of it: If he wants you to act a poor man you must act the part with all your powers; and so if your part be a cripple or a magistrate or a plain man. For your business is to act the character that is given you and act it well. The choice of the cast is Another's.