The people who are working, paying their taxes are put into the system so that affordable housing could be built in neighborhoods that they probably live in that. That they may not want to, they may pay a premium so that they could live where they want to live and you end up with just another massive redistribution of wealth.
Eric BollingJerk equals narcissist.Narcissists tend to be risk takers. Risk takers happen to do better in general in businesses. So jerk equals narcissist, equals risk taker.
Eric BollingAnimals are so beautiful. Why does an American dentist need to go to Africa to kill them? Look, I get it. You're a hunter? Go kill a deer and eat it or a bear where there's a lot of them. But I just don't get it.
Eric Bolling[Donald Trump] stood up and was asked a very specific question, if there's an undocumented illegal in the military or wants to serve in the military, can they stay? And he said, "You know what? I think that's a good idea."That's brilliant. That's genius.
Eric BollingLet me speak to you as someone who is a republican, like Stuart Stevens who worked for Romney, right? He said if Barack Obama in '08 had said, oh, you know, [Vladimir] Putin is better than George W. Bush as a leader, he said republicans would have said Obama, get out of the race. You're a disgrace to the American people.
Eric BollingThe left is quick to blame Donald Trump, but who are the protesters disrupting the events? Domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers was among the demonstrators in line outside the University of Illinois, Chicago pavilion. George Soros of fundraise off to destruction, post Chicago. If the bad guys are the ones behind the protest, why are we giving them so much air time and credibility?
Eric Bolling