For us in England, the relative value of the pound against the dollar, that has a huge impact on how easy it is to get our films made in the U.K.
Eric FellnerSomething like small English films were in vogue you had something like The Crying Game and everyone piled into London and wanted to make small English movies.
Eric FellnerThat middle ground of films used to be 70, 80, 90, 100; now it's like anything over 20 or under 140, the middle ground has become this huge area where they don't really want to be.
Eric FellnerThe dream was to not only make a good-looking film that engaged, but also had the DNA of the show so the fans would love it and also as important had the opportunity to cross over out of the fans because of the price-point. You make a film that's 60 million dollars you can't just appeal to musical theater fans.
Eric Fellner