Having taught economics courses at private vocational schools and universities, I have always had a problem with GNP as a yardstick of prosperity. GNP is improved by increases in questionable activities such as consumption of cigarettes and the production of weapons. Moreover, a substantial increase in car accidents will favorably affect GNP because more funerals, hospital visits, car repairs, and new car purchases will result.
Ernie J ZelinskiIf you expect to have it all, you will have nothing. Learn to be happy with nothing - and you will have it all!
Ernie J ZelinskiTwo people look at the same Exercise above: One sees "Opportunity Is Nowhere" and one sees "Opportunity Is Now Here."
Ernie J ZelinskiIt's interesting and somewhat dismaying how many people will look up to anyone who wins a multimillion-dollar lottery - but will deride anyone who has worked either hard or smart to attain prosperity and real success.
Ernie J ZelinskiBe more attentive to what successful people have to say about all the opportunity around you. Anything important - which takes only two minutes to point out - will exceed most people's attention span by at least a minute and a half. Learn to pay attention for two minutes at a time - and you will see more opportunity than you know what to do with.
Ernie J Zelinski