Like the truth, retirement can set you free. Or, like work, retirement can imprison you.
Ernie J ZelinskiNever economize on the small luxuries of life. Drinking fine wine and eating chocolate won't solve your problems - but they won't hurt either.
Ernie J ZelinskiYour prosperity will grow to the extent that you do. Your feeling of prosperity may require that you overcome the fear of leaving a secure job for a less secure job, with less pay, but a lot more freedom. Fact is, feeling more prosperous doesn't necessarily mean earning more money. Sometimes it means earning less money.
Ernie J ZelinskiWant to know the secret behind The Secret? The Law of Attraction will not bring you abundance and prosperity for just thinking pleasant, positive thoughts. It is no cosmic mistake that the word "attraction" has the word "action" in it. Abundance is, in fact, the result of creative thinking and a lot of action. Much action, much prosperity, in other words. What are you waiting for?
Ernie J Zelinski