Want to know the secret behind The Secret? The Law of Attraction will not bring you abundance and prosperity for just thinking pleasant, positive thoughts. It is no cosmic mistake that the word "attraction" has the word "action" in it. Abundance is, in fact, the result of creative thinking and a lot of action. Much action, much prosperity, in other words. What are you waiting for?
Ernie J ZelinskiMany people strive for personal freedom throughout their adult lives, and never attain it. First, they become imprisoned a good portion of their lives by their jobs. Then, after they leave the work force, they become imprisoned by retirement.
Ernie J ZelinskiGreat opportunity is all around you and it will inspire you to either take advantage of it or deny that it is there.
Ernie J ZelinskiImagine that you are in control of your life. Now, the question is: Why do you have to imagine this?
Ernie J Zelinski