You can't tell by looking at a film-clip whether it is a drama or a documentary without knowing how it was produced.
Errol MorrisAppearing on the front page of the New York Times even given the state of papers today is still something that's seen by a lot of people.
Errol MorrisTwenty to thirty years ago, who was making documentary films? Nobody. Well, relatively few people. It was an art form that had limited theatrical distribution, if any at all. Some television distribution, but relatively small audiences regardless. And in the intervening years it's become more and more popular with a lot of people.
Errol MorrisWriting is a form of talking, although writing is such an odd thing in and of itself. People go about it in such different ways.
Errol MorrisAll alone - shorn of context, without captions - a photograph is neither true nor false.... For truth, properly considered, is about the relationship between language and the world, not about photographs and the world.
Errol MorrisFinding truth involves some kind of activity. As I like to point out, truth isn't handed to you on a platter. It's not something that you get at a cafeteria, where they just put it on your plate. It's a search, a quest, an investigation, a continual process of looking at and looking for evidence, trying to figure out what the evidence means.
Errol Morris