The very idea of photography is as Oliver Wendell Holmes said in the 19th century, "it's a mirror with a memory."
Errol MorrisThe chance that any given sentence is a lie, rather than a truth, I think, is fairly great. An intentional lie, a self-deception, a misconception - there are lots of categories of untruth, not one grab bag. And hotographs can reveal something to us, and they can also conceal things.
Errol MorrisTruth exists independent of style. It involves all kinds of issues. Properly considered, it's a quest, a pursuit. To say that vรฉritรฉ is more truthful than something that is narrated is just misplaced. Completely wrong. And the fact that people still talk about it as though they're really talking about something... it puzzles me greatly. A moment of reflection about it tells you that it makes no sense!
Errol MorrisThis uses a lens system, which I have used for years in various different ways, but I've never used it in the context of an interview. This is the very first time that I've done that. It's a lens called The Revolution, so it allowed me to interview Elsa [Dorfman] and actually operate the camera. Well one of the cameras, because there were four cameras there.
Errol Morris