Volcanic ash will be experienced in all parts of your world, as the volcanoes around your earth are simultaneously activated. Face masks and goggles will be of great value
Esther HicksThe more in vibrational sync you are with who you really are, then the more you are allowing only those things that you're wanting, and the less resistance there is. And the less resistance there is, then the less delay between the idea of the thought and the receiving of it.
Esther HicksIf you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion, but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion.
Esther HicksIf you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story.
Esther HicksThere is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought.
Esther HicksYour life experience is unfolding in the precise response to the vibrations that radiate as a result of your thoughts, whether you know it is or not.
Esther HicksWhen a child has a dream and a parent says, "It's not financially feasible; you can't make a living at that; don't do it," we say to the child, run away from home... You must follow your dream. You will never be joyful if you don't. Your dream may change, but you've got to stay after your dreams. You have to.
Esther HicksYour body is an absolute mirror of your mind. As you worry, your body shows it. As you love, your body shows it. As you are overwhelmed, your body shows it. As you are angry your body shows it. Every cell of your body is being allowed or resisted by the way you feel. 'My physical state is a direct reflection of how I feel', instead of 'How I feel is a direct reflection of my physical state'.
Esther HicksA happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life.
Esther HicksWhen you expect something, it is on the way. When you believe something, it is on the way. When you fear something, it is on the way. Your attitude or mood is always pointing toward what is coming, but you are never stuck with your current point of attraction.
Esther HicksMake a decision and then make the decision right. Line up your Energy with it. In most cases it doesn't really matter what you decide. Just decide. There are endless options that would serve you enormously well, and all or any one of them is better than no decision.
Esther HicksWhile it does, and should, feel good to be appreciated by another person, if you are dependent upon their appreciation to feel good, you will not be able to consistently feel good, because no other person has the ability, or a responsibility, to hold you as their singular, positive object of attention. Your Inner Being, however, the Source within you, always holds you, with no exceptions, as a constant object of appreciation. So if you will tune your thoughts and actions to that consistent Vibration of Well-Being flowing forth from your Inner Being-you will thrive under any and all conditions.
Esther HicksI want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life. If you will make those statements, and then do not take action unless you feel good, you will always be moving upon the path in harmony with your idea of that which is good.
Esther HicksThe way you feel is your point of attraction, and so, the Law of Attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel. When you feel lonely, you attract more loneliness. When you feel poor, you attract more poverty. When you feel sick, you attract more sickness. When you feel unhappy, you attract more unhappiness. When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous-you attract more of all of those things.
Esther HicksBut it does take the determination that you're going to put your thoughts upon something that does feel good. And so, here we're going to make a very bold statement: any disease could be healed in a matter of days, any disease, if distraction from it could occur and a different vibration dominate - and the healing time is about how much mix-up there is in all of that.
Esther HicksDelegate it to the manager. You have this really good staff that will take care of everything for you. You just have to delegate it and trust it.
Esther Hicks..... your real work is to decide what you want and then to focus upon it. For it is through focusing upon what you want that you will attract it. That is the process of creating
Esther HicksOnce you envision something and the Universal forces come into play to help you in the creation of it, there's never again going to be enough action for you to keep up with it. You can't use the Energy that creates worlds to create a situation and then find the action to keep up with it. You have to keep envisioning. You have to keep imagining it better.
Esther HicksWhen you feel gratitude, you are the closest to the natural state you were born to live in.
Esther HicksDon't worry about this world; it is not broken. And don't worry about others. You worry more about them than they do. There are people waging war; there are people on the battlefield who are more alive than they've ever been before. Don't try to protect people from life; just let them have their experience while you focus upon your own experience.
Esther HicksThe BEST representation of Source Energy that you will ever find in your physical format is inexpressible. It's that feeling of love and appreciation that just WELLS up within you, that is so sensational that you can hardly find words for it. That's the true ESSENCE of who you are.
Esther HicksThat's how the scientists discover new science. They start out with a hypothesis--an idea--and then others believe enough in the idea that they make it true. You see?
Esther HicksYour natural instinct, from your broadest Nonphysical perspective, is to know your power. Fear is a vibration when you feel powerless. Your natural instinctual Nonphysical vibration is to know your worthiness, know your rightness, know your value. And the feeling of fear is always when you are contradicting that thought.
Esther HicksThe little ones still remember how to use the power of their imagination. They are still engaged in the utilization of their imagination, that is one of the reasons that keeps them so exhilarated.
Esther HicksWe're wanting you to come to the place where you're beginning to offer your thought deliberately. Where you are guiding your thoughts on purpose, where you are the creator of your own experience. Because you are the manager of your own thought
Esther HicksThere is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make. Because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration.
Esther HicksEvery moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is.
Esther HicksOverwhelment is about you not being up to speed with what you told the Universe that you want. The Universe is yielding to you. You're just not ready to receive it right now.
Esther HicksYou have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually... your life experience.
Esther HicksWhen you feel good, you're allowing good. When you don't feel good, you are not allowing good.
Esther HicksThe Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you.
Esther HicksAnything that brings you to a decision will be answered. The stronger the decision is, the faster it's answered. So if you're in a situation where it seems life or death, and the desire is strong, it is answered now, because it must be answered now to be answered at all.
Esther HicksAs long as you are feeling discomfort within anything, you're holding yourself in a vibration where all of the things that you have conjured, and all of the things that you have let the Universe know that you want, cannot flow to you.
Esther HicksIf nothing is more important to you than that you feel good, you can form a fantasy about someone who is in your life and they will begin to modify to meet your fantasy, because Law of Attraction is a very powerful thing.
Esther HicksDo you know what an unwanted bodily condition is? It's a freshly hatched energy-summoning life-giving desire!
Esther HicksSometimes you walk into things, that, if you were paying attention, vibrationally, you would know right from the beginning that it wasn't what you are wanting. In most cases, your initial knee-jerk response was a pretty good indicator of how it was going to turn out later. The things that give most of you the most grief are those things that initially you had a feeling response about, but then you talked yourself out of it for one reason or another.
Esther HicksEverything that I think that I need to do, is all in order to propel me to some place, that when I get there I think I will be happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of my lists of rights and wrongs, are all about me getting to a manifestation, that I believe I will then be happier... So why don't I just take the short cut and just be happy?
Esther HicksThe Universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting. The more joyful you are, the more Well-Being flows to you-and you get to choose the details of how it flows.
Esther HicksWhat you do is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important.
Esther HicksIf there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't do this?" And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don't do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to have this done. Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you're going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier.
Esther Hicks