Our desires, be they spiritual or temporal, should be rooted in a love of the Lord.
Ezra Taft BensonI have a vision of artists putting into film, drama, literature, music, and paintings great themes and great characters from the Book of Mormon.
Ezra Taft BensonA good name is still to be preferred to great riches. Especially is it to be preferred to the appearance of riches, acquired with nothing down and nothing to pay for two months.
Ezra Taft BensonOur Father in Heaven planned the coming forth of the Founding Fathersand their form of government as the necessary great prologue leading to the restoration of the gospel... America, the land of liberty, was to be the Lord's latter-day base of operations for His restored church.
Ezra Taft BensonI have faith that the Constitution will be saved as prophesied by Joseph Smith. It will be saved by the righteous citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church-among others-men and women who understand and abide the principles of the Constitution....I testify that the God of heaven sent some of His choicest spirits to lay the foundation of this government, and He has now sent other choice spirits to help preserve it.
Ezra Taft Benson