Was it the infinite sadness of her eyes that drew him or the mirror of himself that he found in the gorgeous clarity of her mind?
F. Scott FitzgeraldShe saw him the first day on board, and then her heart sank into her shoes as she realized at last how much she wanted him. No matter what his past was, no matter what he had done. Which was not to say that she would ever let him know, but only that he moved her chemically more than anyone she had ever met, that all other men seemed pale beside him.
F. Scott FitzgeraldThere's so much spring in the air- there's so much lazy sweetness in your heart.
F. Scott FitzgeraldThen a strange thing happened. She turned to him and smiled, and as he saw her smile every rag of anger and hurt vanity dropped from him โ as though his very moods were but the outer ripples of her own, as though emotion rose no longer in his breast unless she saw fit to pull an omnipotent controlling thread.
F. Scott Fitzgerald