Only relinquish all things into My hands: for I can work freely only as ye release Me by complete committal both of thyself and others. Even as was written of old: "Commit thy way unto the Lord: trust also in Him: and He shall bring it to pass". (Psalms 37:5) I will be thy sustaining strength; and My peace shall garrison thy mind. Only TRUST ME that all I do is done in love.
Frances J RobertsCast fear forever from your heart. God's love protects the sparrow: surely He is near His children who rely on His faithfulness!
Frances J RobertsKeep your eye on the end of the course. Victory is secured already. Do not let the hurdles cause thee consternation. Stay in the running. Verily, I am at thy side. According to each day shall thy strength be; and the race is not to the swift, but the obedient shall receive the prize.
Frances J RobertsRelinquishment of burdens and fears begins where adoration and worship of God become the occupation of the soul.
Frances J Roberts